University of Madras organized an INNOTAL Lab – Business Plan Development

University of Madras organized an INNOTAL Lab – Business Plan Development

University of Madras organized an INNOTAL Lab – Business Plan Development

The event took place in the talent Lab July 31, 2021. Vice-Chancellor Prof. S. Gowri gave a speech about how entrepreneurship drives the country's economy, how the role of entrepreneurs has grown over time, and how entrepreneurship's contributions to the economy require them to contribute to employment, innovation, competition, and social and political stability.
Dr. P.S. Manjula, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Madras and Coordinator of Entrepreneurship and Career Hub (ECH0- RUSA 2.0), conducted a workshop on Business Plan Development. The workshop focused on how to prepare Business Plan Document, marketing essentials and plan, Integrated Business Communication Strategies for Start-Ups, Understanding and Planning Financial Needs of the Company, Managing Finance: Break Even Point, Working Capital Assessment, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams, etc.