University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria

Established in 1920, UNWE is the oldest, most prestigious and largest economic university in South-Eastern Europe, the first in the rankings of Bulgarian universities with economic majors. It has more than 21,000 students.
UNWE has eight faculties: General Economics, Finance and Accounting, Business Faculty, Economics of Infrastructure, International Economics and Politics, Management and Administration, Applied Informatics and Statistics, and Law. In regular and distance learning it provides training in 39 undergraduate programs and 40 graduate programs. It was the first Bulgarian university to introduce systematic entrepreneurship training in Bulgaria 15 years ago.
Four institutes at UNWE work in the area of enhancing the university’s interactions with business and entrepreneurs:
-Institute for Postgraduate Studies: trains managers at senior and middle level positions in private and public sector, municipalities and state institutions. It has a vast network of local partners
-Entrepreneurship Development Institute: the institute researches entrepreneurship and SMEs at national and EU level and feeds these analyses into students’ education. In cooperation with faculty and the Bulgarian Association for Management Development and Entrepreneurship, it has developed a good practice of linking research, education and live business environment. Students and graduates are actively involved in such activities, e.g. through the Young Innovative Entrepreneur Club at the university.
-Institute for Intellectual Property and Leadership, working in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization
-Institute of Economics and Policies.
UNWE maintains 26 research centres, e.g. Scientific Research Centre for Agrarian Business and Nature Use, Scientific Research Centre for Social Research, Innovations and Human Resources Development, Scientific Research Centre for Business Competencies Development – Innovations and Competitiveness.