Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal

Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) was established in Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal in 2010 and it is the first agriculture and forestry university in the country. AFU aims at producing highly skilled human resources required to work on quality research and development in agriculture. It seeks to support the development of agriculture and forestry which would raise the socio-economic conditions of rural people through quality teaching, research and extension in agriculture, livestock and forestry. The mission of AFU is to produce competent manpower to promote education, research and development in agriculture, forestry and allied disciplines. This university was founded after two institutes of agriculture and forestry were merged. The educational programs are supported by quality research and developmental activities. The Rampur Campus has 4-year B.Sc. Ag, 5-year B. V. Sc. and AH, 2-year Master programs in Agriculture, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Aquaculture, and PhD programs. Besides improving the existing academic programs, AFU is planning to start Master and PhD programs in forestry and also additional programs such as biotechnology, agri-business, biodiversity, climate change and the likes in the near future. The university has around 800 undergraduate students, 200 postgraduate students and around 50 PhD students in different disciplines of agriculture and forestry. The postgraduate students are contributing with thesis research to generate knowledge and technologies to address issues pertaining to the development of agriculture and forestry in Nepal. At present, the various classrooms, farm buildings, laboratories, student dormitories and residential buildings need renovations. Since it is a new university, the faculty and students also need to get more exposure to learn how other universities work and become more meaningful to their societies.