Projects at the Talent Co-Creation Lab at Agriculture and Forestry University
The Talent Co-Creation Lab at Agriculture and Forestry University recently organized three student trainings and applied research project for students in collaboration with industry:
> Alternatives to Live Fish Marketing
> Aquaphonics in Chitwan
- Honey bee products with medicinal value and their marketing: Cliff honey bee (Apis laborisa), August 23, 2021
- Aquaphonics in Chitwan: Integration of Biofloc with Hydroponics (in association with Integrated Agriculture and Forestry Research Cenetr Pvt. Ltd.), August 24, 2021
- Alternatives to Live Fish Marketing: Frozen, Drying and Cold Chain Marketing (in association with Nepal Fish Producers’ and Traders’ Association, Chitwan), August 25, 2021
AFU Talent Lab Project concepts
> Honey bee products> Alternatives to Live Fish Marketing
> Aquaphonics in Chitwan