INNOTAL Train the Trainer webinar recap

INNOTAL Train the Trainer webinar recap

INNOTAL Train the Trainer webinar recap

The INNOTAL Train the Trainer Online Webinar and Workshop took place online January 25 - 29, 2021.
Around 60 faculty members and staff members from the INNOTAL Universities participated in the event. The training covered a variety of topics that will facilitate the exploitation of the Talent Co-Creation Labs at the Asian partner universities, including:
  • Entrepreneurship education and training
  • Supporting entrepreneurial teams: mentoring coaching, and team management
  • Teaching social entrepreneurship and inclusive innovation
  • Design thinking as a framework for Lab innovation activities
  • Service design as a framework for Lab innovation activities
  • Delivering (entrepreneurial) education online – the users’ perspective
  • Integrated Curriculum Design Framework –insights from Ulster University
  • Student innovation & entrepreneurship support – practical insights from Ulster University
Colleagues from three leading Kenyan Universities shared their experience with delivering entrepreneurial education, promoting student innovation, entrepreneurship and industry partnership and nurturing an innovation ecosystem in higher education.
In addition, the three learning modules developed in the frame of the project were discussed in detail in order to facilitate institutional "echo" trainings in the Talent Co-Creation Labs.