University of Thessaly, Greece
University of Thessaly, Greece

UTH was founded in 1984. Its administrative and academic center is in the city of Volos, with 18 Departments and various Research Centres located across the whole Region of Thessaly. The main mission of the University is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its research performance and scientific achievements. According to the Scimago Institutions Ranking of research performance, innovation outputs and societal impact, UTH holds the 10th place among Greek HEIs. UTH provides undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields, for over 12000 students. Each department has its own associated student organization. The Research Unit of Infrastructure, Technology Policy and Development at the Department of Planning and Regional Development concentrates on research, innovation and entrepreneurship. It has created the University of Thessaly Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (MOKE) which is responsible for entrepreneurship education and promotion in UTH. Besides entrepreneurship courses, MOKE runs MOKE Hive, which provides acceleration services to young scientists. UTH contributes to the wellbeing of the local society, e.g. through the operation of the University Hospital of Larissa which covers the medical needs of the whole region of Thessaly.