Final dissemination event organized by University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
The final dissemination event organized by University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, took place online October 9, 2021.
27 external stakeholders participated, including representatives of various companies, research institutes (Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology), and representatives from government agencies (Vocational Training Authority, Zonal Education Office, Department of Samurdhi Development in the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Rural Development, Divisional Secretariat of Ministry of Home Affairs).
The event was opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University. The agenda was focused on presenting the results and impact of the INNOTAL project, the Talent Co-Creation Lab, and discussion on network building between the university and industry.
27 external stakeholders participated, including representatives of various companies, research institutes (Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology), and representatives from government agencies (Vocational Training Authority, Zonal Education Office, Department of Samurdhi Development in the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Rural Development, Divisional Secretariat of Ministry of Home Affairs).
The event was opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University. The agenda was focused on presenting the results and impact of the INNOTAL project, the Talent Co-Creation Lab, and discussion on network building between the university and industry.